A Memorable Day! - 07/30/06

Despite the hot weather, a wonderful time was had by all who attended this year's event.  We thank all our vendors, donors, and all who volunteered to make the day a memorable one.  Pictures from the day are included here:
Some more attendees!
Beer Tent
Billy Washenko, tireless Red Sox promoter!
Bob Kornafel
The event co-chairman, Richard Hascha
Cotton Candy thanks to the Shevchenko family!
Johnny the Clown entertains the kids!
Good fellowship was had!
Food is served!
Gift Auction time!
Some of the guys!
Happy workers - Debbie, Tony, and Tammy!
John Kozak and Kathy Kornafel
The Prices and Sophie Barnes
Stephen Petrides after the tug-of-war
Karl & Gladys Graetz purchase some tickets
Tom Collins inspects the food!
Tom Berger and Matushka Mary announce the Raffle winners.